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October 2022 (2)

Physical and Spiritual Preparation

Bogor, 2010

When we set up HCBN Indonesia in 2011 in a small village in Mount Salak, we were the first outsiders to settle in the area. Everyone wondered why we chose this otherwise neglected destination and decided to build a strange-looking structure of a TV studio at the farthest point of the village toward the mountain. Nobody from the village would even come to the area unless they had farmlands. And with everyone reluctant to be outside their house after dark, and superstitious about Mt. Salak in general, they started calling us “Sakti,” a word describing a person having divine energy and supreme power.


Twelve years past, after twenty electrical poles we installed, and hundreds of truckloads of rocks and aggregates used to pave the way, we have seen development in the area like nowhere else! Land prices have gone way up, neighboring farmlands purchased by city dwellers looking to establish vacation homes, and emerging rental properties all create situations completely different than when we moved in. It is no longer a countryside.

We have a piece of land, however, that we reserved for quietude. A place far away to reflect on our purpose, a place to build our physical as well as spiritual strength. The uphill walk there takes 45 minutes and 500m vertical gains on rough terrains, and it is a simple reminder of our immediate future to meet Christ when the world comes spiraling downward to a total chaos.

Yes, it is imbedded in the minds of Bible and Spirit of Prophecy believers that we are anticipating to see an unprecedented scale of global disorder where everyone will be seeking for solutions and refuge. As the wise people of God, we have been blessed with knowledge and time to prepare ahead of everyone else in the world. God wants us to become the spiritual city that is on the hill where everyone will learn His ways and find answers that have been absent in the world.

To live up to what we believe, in HCBN we make it a routine to walk up to the forests once a week. We clear our land weekly to plant what we can eat. We exercise our muscles and clear our minds by singing, praying, and meditating there.

We toil the land all day and clear the weeds. We bring our provisions and enjoy together what we prepare at home. Lunch on banana leaves and eating with hands are always fun. Nature is beautiful and quiet, and the sound of the leaves blown by the breeze is pleasant to hear. The elevation of 1200 meters above sea level is perfect for us not to feel too cold, yet pleasant that we never feel hot even while working under the sun.

Previously the land was used as a tea plantation and many trees have become tall. We keep many of them to hang our hammocks so we can take naps before returning home. It is a simple enjoyment that brings refreshed souls and we all need it. Even as missionaries working in the field.

We have water sources, and soon we will start building sheds and shelters for us to spend more than half days there, possibly a place we can spend weeks or more. We hope that God keeps us all prepared and we are looking forward to His coming.

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Thank You

God Bless

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Comments (14)

chungkhoan taichinh
chungkhoan taichinh
09 déc. 2024

Awesome post!

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15 oct. 2022

Tindakan kalian menguatkan suntikan semagat kearah CL sebenar.🙏

HCBN Indonesia
HCBN Indonesia
21 oct. 2022
En réponse à

Terima kasih atas responnya. Amin... mari kita semua melakukan apa yang TUHAN kehendaki didalam kehidupan kita, entah itu mau CL ataupun bukan. TUHAN memberkati.

15 oct. 2022

Terimakasih kesaksian2 awal HCBN Indonesia. Kiranya dapat memberi kekuatan bagi kita semua baikbyang sudah CL maupun yang lagi mempersiapkan CL. Tuhan Yesus memberkati kita semua

HCBN Indonesia
HCBN Indonesia
21 oct. 2022
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Terima kasih atas responnya. Kami bisa sampai ke tahap ini juga karena TUHAN yang selalu memerikan kekuatan kepada kami untuk menjalaninya, kami juga selalu mendoakan saudara-saudara sekalian. TUHAN memberkati.

15 oct. 2022

Sungguh Terpujilah Tuhan Senantiasa, biarlah kita semua bersiap hingga Maranatha, Amin!

HCBN Indonesia
HCBN Indonesia
21 oct. 2022
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Amin dan Puji TUHAN Terima kasih atas responnya TUHAN memberkati.

15 oct. 2022

Saya pribadi sangat dikuatkan dan terberkati oleh testimony ini, saya melihat masih Kel.Pak Ramon Tengkano ini satu-satunya yang benar-benar menghidupkan Firman TUHAN, kiranya TUHAN memberkati pelayanan dan perjuangan hidup Keluarga besar HCBN, doakan kami agar saya dapat mengikuti jejak Kristus sebaik-baiknya 🙏

HCBN Indonesia
HCBN Indonesia
21 oct. 2022
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Amin... Terima kasih Kami juga mendoakan saudara, semoga pengalaman kami menjadi pengalaman saudara. Mazmur 34: 8, 9 TUHAN memberkati.

15 oct. 2022

Kami merasa terberkati melihat kehidupan sahabat, saudara seiman Team HCBN Indonesia,

Semoga terus menjadi pelita....Tuhan Memberkati 🙏

HCBN Indonesia
HCBN Indonesia
21 oct. 2022
En réponse à

Terima kasih untuk responnya. Amin dan terus doakan kami TUHAN memberkati.

John Wycliff Siregar
John Wycliff Siregar
15 oct. 2022

Terimakasih utk sharing kesaksian yg sangat menguatkan. Team HCBN telah menjadi teladan yg positive utk umat Advent di Indonesia dan bahkan dunia.

HCBN Indonesia
HCBN Indonesia
21 oct. 2022
En réponse à

Terima kasih untuk responnya. Semoga teladan ini dapat dilanjutkan, dengan talenta yang TUHAN sudah titipkan kepada masing-masing kita. TUHAN memberkati.

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