October 2022 (2)
A Little Light In Maluku
Since the beginning of HCBN Indonesia broadcasting on satellite, we have received responses from various places in Indonesia and surrounding countries. Many questions, suggestions, prayer requests, various messages, even attacks on our beliefs, have entered our message reception system. Of course we have a different relationship with each person, and we try to bring them to Christ. Some of them are a blessing to us and we value our relationship with them.
Mr. Dolan Lappy lives in Ambon, Maluku province, Indonesia. He lives about 1500km east of where we are and is separated by oceans and islands. He learned Adventist truth through a satellite television ministry and was later baptized to accept Christ as Savior. He is actively involved with various ministries in the church and longs to serve God every day.
Mr. Lappy started sending messages of thanks to HCBN Indonesia for the satellite broadcast and expressed his longing to grow in Christ. We are all blessed by getting to know one another. He is burdened with sharing the good news with those around him and decides to spend his weekend on the island of Haruku, east of the provincial capital. That is where his family comes from, and there is no Adventist church on the island of 27,000 people.
Mr. Lappy constantly visited his family, friends and neighbors, and taught what he had learned from television. He reaches out to people with health services, prays for them and teaches healthy living naturally. Although he is an ordinary person, he is willing to share his blessings by buying basic necessities for people in need, parents and widows. He promoted HCBN Indonesia to people on the island so that they would understand God's ways. He selflessly did all this.
His sincerity in doing these things is an inspiration to all of us at HCBN Indonesia and we are all blessed to see the results of our hard work in our service being appreciated by people we have never met ourselves. The Lappy family is expanding our ministry work and sharing God's love.
The eldest child of the Lappy family, Teresia, was the first person from the island of Haruku to be baptized by immersion, as Jesus was baptized in the Jordan river. An event witnessed by the islanders, and of course many will follow! Teresa was sent by her family to join the HCBN family since September this year. Teresa was a wonderful child at the age of 16, groomed for the noble work of service.
Currently, the Lapi family continues to carry out their mission as gospel workers as part of HCBN Indonesia. We all pray that God's blessings will be abundant to expand their ministry on the island of Haruku and the city of Ambon. Let's pray together that God's church will become a tower of truth throughout the Maluku province.
Pelayanan sdra dan keluarga sangat luar biasa. Doa kami ..."semoga Sdra dan Keluarga selalu diberikan kesehatan, oleh Tuhan Yesus, dan biarlah kekuatan dan apa yang dibutuhkan dalam pelayanan sdra dan tim, Selalu disediakan oleh Tuhan". Dan bersamaan dengan ini ...mohon titipkan dalam doa untuk kami dan keluarga agar bisa berkarya untuk Tuhan. Karena dimata Tuhan kami belum ada artinya. Tuhan memberkati.
Luar biasa kesaksiannya, Tuhan memberkati HCBN